New member self-service portal
MyTFFR Member Self-Service is your portal for secure and easy retirement management! It offers convenient access to your Teachers’ Fund for Retirement (TFFR) account and forms anytime, anywhere.
How to login for the first time?
MyTFFR is available to members and beneficiaries-in-payment who complete a registration process. When you login to MyTFFR for the first time, you create your own unique User ID and password. Download or follow the login instructions below to begin.
- Click the “Member Login” button below to begin.
- Enter your North Dakota Login User ID and Password and select the “Sign in” button. If you don’t have a North Dakota Login, select the “Create an account” link.
- Once you are signed in, you will be prompted to provide your Member Demographics by entering your First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth and Social Security Number. Click the “Next” button to verify the information entered.
- On the User Verification screen, select the correct answers to the questions. Click the “Next” button to verify the information entered.
- On the End User License Agreement screen, review the Terms and Conditions, click the “I Accept” checkbox, and then click the “Finish” button.
MyTFFR Help Videos
Need help logging in for the first time, updating your account information or tax withholding, MyTFFR help videos are available on our YouTube Channel.