TAKE NOTICE that the North Dakota Retirement and Investment Office on behalf of the Teachers’ Fund For Retirement Board will hold a public hearing to address proposed amendments to N.D. Admin. Code 82-05-01-02, 82-05-04-02, and 82-05-04-04 at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, March 12, 2021 at 3442 East Century Avenue, Bismarck, ND, 58507. The purpose of the proposed amendments is to implement state statutes and federal law relating to the Teachers’ Fund For Retirement program requirements. The proposed amendments address the following:
In N.D.A.C. 82-05-01-02, the amendment expands the list of documents accepted by the program as proof of age to include REAL ID;
In N.D.A.C. 82-05-04-02, the amendment updates the actuarial factors, such as the interest rate, and member and beneficiary mortality tables used by the program to calculate optional payment forms;
In N.D.A.C. 82-05-04-04, the amendment updates the actuarial factors, such as the interest rate and salary increase rate used by the program to calculate purchase of service.
The proposed amendments are not expected to have an impact on the regulated community in excess of $50,000.
The proposed rules may be reviewed at the office of the North Dakota Retirement and Investment Office at 3442 East Century Avenue, P.O. Box 7100, Bismarck, ND, 58507-7100. A copy of the proposed rules and/or a regulatory analysis may be requested by writing the above address, e-mailing rio@nd.gov, or calling 701-328-9885. Written or oral comments on the proposed rules sent to the above address or telephone number and received by Wednesday, March 24, 2021, will be fully considered.
If you plan to attend the public hearing and will need special facilities or assistance relating to a disability, or would like to attend the hearing virtually, please contact the North Dakota Retirement and Investment Office at the above telephone number or address at least one day prior to the public hearing.
Click here to view the Full Notice
Click here to view Proposed Rules